Soul Mastery Journey Part 5
Join us on a Journey of Self Mastery!
I was inspired to rendezvous with the Secret Language of Light Cards. They felt perfect for this time while most of us are in isolation either by ourselves or with close family members. These cards allow you to enter a sacred gateway with “know thyself” carved into it. As you step through this threshold, you will awaken, create new pathways and form stronger connections with your soul and the light of the Universe.
Each card has a message and soul mastery class. The message will tell you what is significant in your life right now. The soul mastery class will help you delve deeper into the message. This is made up of a meditation- which will be on our podcast section of the app, inspired reflections and some journal work.
Before we start I would like you to consider something. Lasting change come easily once daily deliberate actions build up positive momentum. There will be days when your mind may challenge these new ideas, when this happens, you can choose to respond the following ways.
Breathe deeply and meditate.
Have a rest day to adjust and adapt to your new perception. Don't give this another thought, just begin again tomorrow.
You are at the beginning of a profound shift in thinking. Be patient with yourself as some beliefs are easier to let go than others.
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