So where to begin?
A must-have for all those little ones who suffer from disturbed sleep patterns and fear of the dark - is tumbled amethyst. Place these protection crystals under the mattress. If they choose to you can give them one to hold as they fall asleep- the crystal can roll around the bed with your little angel. In the morning place the amethysts in a bowl of raw brown rice. It will recharge its energy and be ready for use the next night. The amethyst crystals under the mattress can be cleansed once a month.
For those who feel alone and isolated, be it night or day, let them hold the beautiful soft crystal stichtite. Rubbing this stone will bring them emotional comfort.
A nightly ritual you can think of introducing is to light a purple candle. while sitting with them send out a blessing and prayer to the angels to protect and look after them. Remove the candle before you leave. This is a lovely way to end that "tucking-in and bedtime story" ritual!