(17g / +-4.3x2.2cm)
This powerful jade carved pendant represents The omnipotence three-eyed Goddess adorned with eight arms, each holding an auspicious emblems or weapon. You will know whether this is the pendant for you.

Black Jade stimulates the Root Chakra -  and controls the energy for kinaesthetic feeling and movement. It is the foundation of physical and spiritual energy for the body. When physically out of balance the symptoms will manifest as lethargy, low levels of activity, and,  low enthusiasm When its spiritual energies are out of balance, you will feel flighty, disconnected from reality, and distant. When the Base Chakra is in balance, the physical body regains strength and stamina, and the spiritual energy is rekindled in the form of security and sense of one's power. It often leads to independence and spontaneous leadership.

Black jade is also said to be beneficial for the mind and spirit. It helps promote calmness and clarity and reduces stress and anxiety. When you wear this amulet you ward of negative energy and block the evil eye.

Black Jade is the stone of independent living in spite of physical limitations. It inspires you not to give up on dreams because they physically take longer to manifest - than you originally thought.  Black Jade assists in cherishing one's ideals and desires, facilitating the ambition and building of those thoughts into physical reality. Black Jade provides confidence and self-assuredness, self-reliance and self-sufficiency.

Black Jade lends the courage and fortitude needed to examine one's own negativity and its source, and to "face the shadow self." By identifying one's own emotional maturity, behaviour patterns, ego, etc., they can be faced and remedied, providing growth and loving integration of all aspects of self.

Black Jade protects against viral and bacterial infection, parasitic infestation, and associated illnesses. Therefore, Black Jade is an excellent travel stone of protection.

Jade chord ritual :

The hand made chord can be used for your jade amulet.

When knotting the sacred string through your jade amulet make sure you are in a relaxed frame of mind.  Set sacred space by lighting a candle and a stick of incense of your choice. If you like you can smudge your chord and your jade amulet. 

Take a few deep breaths . See a white light in the shape of an eight moving through the top of your crown chakra -down to your feet. Visualise this stream of light running up and down throughout your body. Hold your jade amulet and repeat the  process of activating it. Now thread the sacred chord through your amulet . 

Enjoy wearing your sacred jade piece.