Moldavite and Clear Quartz Crystal Sterling Silver Pendant
Moldavite is a rare and unique crystal.
Moldavite was formed by a meteorite impact 15 billion years ago. It is a form of tektite - and comes with supernatural powers from outer space. The meteorite is believed to have crashed on the Bohemian Plateau - now known as Czechoslovakia. The impact was thought to have been so fierce that it smashed straight through into the earth's core leaving pieces of molten rock scattered for miles. Later this rock hardened into Moldavite - a rare forest green gem found along the Moldau river in Czechoslovakia.
Moldavite fell to earth from the outer galaxy. It is revered and highly respected in spiritual circles. Moldavite frequency is intense; whenever you touch this magical crystal, you feel the energy surge through you!
This is a stone that turns up the dial of personal transformation. Its energy will accelerate your spiritual and emotional journey. You might find yourself overwhelmed with its powerful energy - if so, ground yourself with Obsidian, red jasper, black agate or black tourmaline. When you work with Moldavite, see it as a crystal that combines earth and stardust. It will bring incredible changes in those who know how to harness its magical energy.
Many spiritual healers believe that forest-green Moldavite came to our planet to accelerate our spiritual growth. You may experience tingling and a surge of energy as you hold this crystal. It finds every corner of your body, helping you re-align and balance. Physically it invites your cells to turnover - rejuvenate. It shifts blocks in the psyche. It brings mental clarity and is said to slow down the ageing process.
Moldavite is connected to the heart chakra - helping us to open our hearts and release negative energy that creates self-limiting blocks. It reaches those new parts of our psyche. Only by shining a light on hidden corners can we see where we need to heal.
The power of authentic Moldavite is that it not only works with the heart chakra - but also with your third eye Chakra. This is the gateway to wisdom and personal trust in our spiritual higher self and all the knowledge hidden deep within this portal. By using the power of this tektite, we can access psychic gifts and open our crown chakra to connect with the cosmos. Moldavite is an unbelievable stone to work with.
Moldavite is likely to become extinct as there is a limited supply here on Earth. It is not created here on Mother Earth. - it came from galaxies unknown.
What happens when you combine the Master Quartz crystal with forest green Moldavite?
The pairing of these two - a powerful quartz crystal and a tektite from the outer galaxy is not for the faint-hearted. Get ready for a transformation of a lifetime.
This is a pendant for a person who wants fast results - and mind-blowing transformation. Wearing these two stones in your auric field increases your frequency dramatically!
You will start to attract highly evolved beings, and synchronicity will become part of your daily life. When wearing this pendant, you will find those dense and low vibrational beings will have to leave your space. You will attract happier, highly energetic people into your life. Things will flow, and you will find that you begin to attract more positive situations, and luck will seem to flow your way. You will not feel trapped by endless drama.
When working with this Moldavite crystal Quartz pendant, you must program this powerful crystal pendant combination.
Hold the pendant on your left (your receiving hand), relax and breathe deeply. Visualize your crystal pendant connecting with your energy field. As this happens, ask the Moldavite and quartz crystal to communicate with you and the Universe. Ask whatever it is you wish to manifest - i.e., clear obstacles, balance chakras or enter the portal of your third eye. Ask that this powerful pendant receive and assist you with what it is you truly desire.
When you wish to reprogram the pendant, cleanse the crystal under running water, smudge or place it in a glass bowl on top of a bed of salt overnight. Throw the salt away. Then reprogram your pendant.
Each day before you wear your pendant - hold it in your left hand and connect with its powerful vibration while saying a positive affirmation.
“The high vibes of quartz and Moldavite fill me with positive light and attract beautiful beings into my space. “
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