While meditating reflect on the following; If you care enough about someone to propose marriage you should choose your words carefully to make them as meaningful as possible to your partner. Don't just ask, "Will you marry me?" Find a more creative way to express your feelings and intentions before you utter those four very important words. "We both love [blank] and dream of [blank], so together we can [blank]." It's the perfect lead-in to the words he's been waiting to hear: "And those are just a few of the reasons I'm hoping you'll spend the rest of your life with me. Will you marry me? The longest period you should leave the love grid up for would be three months. After which, we suggest you dismantle it- and create a new one- on the night of a new moon. So should he/ she, or should he/ she not accept the proposal on the 29th of February - don't give up - leave the grid in its sacred area- releasing its loving vibe into the ether. Keep lighting your candle and releasing your intentions into the Universe. You never know what happens! This ritual box has a wood love grid and a small selection of crystals for you to grid and manifest with. We have listed the magical properties of these crystals- and instructions on how to set up the grid. You decide what you want to manifest - if it's not for proposing to that special someone - you can create different love grids with the selected crystals. You are also free to add to this selection. Follow your “intuition” and your heart chakra - these two powerful centres will be your compass in 2024. Just know, There are Exciting, Romantic times ahead in 2024.