A Chiron Retrograde, added to a Neptune retrograde, will push your emotional buttons further. Chiron represents the wounded healer- so it is a time of inner healing and self-reflection.
Chiron will be in retrograde until 29th December 2024.
Chiron, the wounded healer, is in the sign of Aries and has been since 2019.
During this retrograde, you will have to, or be forced to, explore wounds concerning your independence. It will bring you face-to-face with your courage button. Both past and present. It will ask you to question your independence, the way you present yourself in the world, your impulsive behaviour, and your reticence to make changes- perhaps because you lacked the courage or confidence to do so. However, Chiron, most certainly over the next few months, will force you to have the courage to face your true authentic self, without any illusions.
This might sound overwhelming, but, if you think about it, I have been saying “this“ the Whole year.
2024 is all about showing up authentically.
Presenting your true self. To do so, one has to have courage. When you show up authentically some people will like you, some people will hate you and others simply won’t care. However this may be, one thing I can assure you, in the end, the person who will care the most will be you.
If you keep on showing up in a different guise, it means you are accepting things and situations to suit others. you are behaving in a manner that suits everyone else- except you. That means you wear a mask - so that you are “liked”. That is not authentic. Sadly both sides of the situation are being hood winked. You are pretending, or worse, lying and the other person is assuming or thinking that you are who you are. Situations like this always come to an end albeit a sticky, generally nasty one.
So, now, The big question is- how are you showing up in your life?
The nature of a Chiron transit is that we experience wounds that feel fresh- but when we unpack these emotional challenges we discover that the present wound reminds us of something in the past. This might not be apparent at first - but reflect on what is happening in your life.
Has this happened before? Are you revisiting the same situation presented in a slightly different way?
Go back to 2019- what happened in that year? What emotional challenges are being presented? What situations are you revisiting?
Through our wounding, Chiron alerts us to our need for healing to become fully present again. Simply put, to become the hero in our own lives.
Sadly without disillusionment, and, or pain, there is no personal growth. The only thing we are guaranteed is that however long it might take, there will be a rainbow on the other end.
Two things are needed for this Chiron journey. Self-reflection and dedication. The sprinkles on the top are belief and endurance.
With these in hand, I can assure you, that you can climb any mountain.