Hello Frequency Friend,
So exciting, it's Halloween- and boy, do we love the thrill of trick or treating. Dust off your witch hats- and get those broomsticks serviced- ready to fly! Most importantly, let us not forget to honour our ancestors that have passed on. A simple ritual is to leave tea lights on windowsills and yellow candles throughout the house, acknowledging their passing and showing them we “see them“. This is the time when the veil is the thinnest between this world and that of spirit.
We also have to be clear that when we live in the Southern Hemisphere- seasonally, we celebrate Beltane- and not Halloween, or Samhain, like our Northern brethren, are, as they herald in the approaching chill of Winter. However, let's face it- there is nothing like a good party- dressed as your shadow self having fun with your family and friends.
The meaning of Halloween or Samhain is not a celebration of death but the continuity of life. The Celts believed that life is ongoing - and that death is merely the point of transition from one stage of life to the next. They felt so firmly in the continuity of life that they willingly lent money and made contracts on debts on the understanding that the loan would be repaid in the next life! They also believed that the borders between the dead and the living were not rigid and impassable but open for communication between themselves and their ancestors. This was especially so at Samhain - whose custom told them the veil between the worlds became thinner and the ability to talk to souls that had passed over easier.