If you have been experiencing uncertainties in your life you could find things becoming clearer so that you can choose the new direction you want to take. This can be about any aspect of your life.
First of all, stop, relax, doodle, or vision board. Look at the projects you have started this year and, perhaps reshuffled this month of August. Now, working with Mercury Direct, your vision becomes more crisp and clear. Decide on what you want to continue - and what you want to release. Don’t waste energy on projects that you have lost interest in or hold no more growth potential for you.
Any form of chord cutting and healing is supported by the following crystals: black kyanite is also known as the Chakra balancer crystal. This is a go-to crystal together with selenite that sweeps away negative energy like a broom sweeps away dirt. All you do is “swipe” the crystal down in front of your chakras- cutting etheric attachments and helping you ward off psychic vampires that drain your energy source. After chord cutting it is wise to place a small black tourmaline in your belly button. Keep it in place with a bandaid- remove it at night cleanse and replace it the following morning. Repeat this process for three days.
Think of selenite crystal wands like white sage. Use it like a smudge stick to sweep stagnant areas of your home and to sweep the outside of your aura- removing sludge and stagnant energy, so that your energy field is refreshed and revitalised.