What is your life’s mission?
You are here for a bigger purpose - we all are. Don't get caught in the day-to-day illusions. Illusions keep you busy- delusions keep you stressed. Turn off the news- stop scrolling on your phone- and step out so you can discover your true purpose here on this beautiful planet in this lifetime.
Are you fulfilling this purpose or life mission?
Are you using your God-given talents and gifts?
This doesn’t mean you have to rush out and become the CEO of a huge company or support unlimited charities, the most important life purpose can be being a “good Mother or Father” It can mean quietly going about your way by helping those more needy in your community. You can be a good beautician or yoga instructor- helping people improve their self-worth and well-being. You can serve a life purpose in a myriad of ways- but you have to find what your life purpose is.
The way to do this is to step back- if you can- out of everyday life. Perhaps escape for a quiet weekend, or, hibernate at home with your phone switched off- if you cannot switch it off for that long- at least set up a schedule to close the door- and commit to an hour of private time. Use this to meditate- and yes - as I have said so often before- journal, journal, journal. This is one of the best methods to use as you walk down the path of self-discovery.
Here is one simple suggestion to begin the journey of finding your life purpose- create a fantasy vision board with no limitations- just stick, colour, write - and go wild about what you want to do in life. Leave it for a day or two. When you feel inspired again sit quietly staring at the vision board and see what jumps out at you. Now take those two or three visions from the board and either start journalling or creating another fantasy board with just those selected ideas taking them further and further into what you could create down each life’s highway.
To support yourself write down 100 things you like or love about yourself. Difficult in the beginning- but after half an hour you will start to see what an awesome human being you are. Leave this for a day or three. When you are ready meditate on the vision board. Now, pick one thing that jumps out at you. Start the journey again.
Remember, to be kind to yourself throughout this process.
Fon't limit yourself by hesitating to begin because you are not sure if this is your life purpose. Start with the idea that most appeals to you. Along the way spirit will support you by sending you signs, and people that help you to manifest this dream. If the road gets tricky and filled with too many obstacles - you will be shown another direction. Trust that the Universe has your back - because it does - even if you don't quite believe it. The irony is when you look back you will see the signs - that tell you the story of all the love and support you actually had.
Along the way, you will learn to be brave, beautiful and strong. You will gather knowledge and you will fine-tune yourself to either continue or shift your direction heading toward the ultimate goal of your true self - and your life's mission.
Here’s hoping this journey is filled with magic and mystery and lots and lots of peace and love.