it's Friday the 13th- and we at The Crystal Spirits are back to weave magic with you.
How special is 2023? Our first newsletter to you is on Friday, the 13th, 2023.
Friday 13th, is a day that celebrates the magic and mystical energy of women. The 13 cycles of the moon and the inner Goddess that we, as women, all carry within our souls. There are only 2 Fridays on the 13th this year, and the next one is in October.
Moving with the energy of this magical day, we have decided to move from ‘frequency friends‘ to "fellow weavers”. For are we not weaving together? Do we not learn from each other? Weave our knowledge, seek answers to our questions, and learn from each other. The question begs to be asked, are we not one significant cosmic consciousness? That sees ourselves as separate from one another, working with our inner egos, not recognising we are all interconnected? We all seek inner bliss, happiness, love and compassion for ourselves and others and strive to be a better version of ourselves. We are perhaps recalling our true spiritual souls without the mask of this human life we have been incarnated in.
Whew! How is that for an opening paragraph? And it's only the beginning of the year! Well, I’m just getting you revved up and ready for action- 2023 will be a fast-paced year.