The Crystal Spirits
Hello Frequency Friends

Uranus begins its annual five-month retrograde relative to earth today. It retrogrades until the 22nd of January 2023. It is in the sign of Taurus 

Over the next four weeks, doing some soul-searching exercises is essential, reviewing old ground and identifying important aspects of your past. Messages and guidance that you missed. Opportunities slipped by searching for the “why“ in each memory that surfaces. The gift of a retrograde is that it asks you to face your past- and learn from it.

Each day for at least 10 minutes - set aside time to meditate and Journal on essential issues that resurface. Process this information In a gentle and caring manner; it is a challenging exercise that is so important to practice as it adds the energy of expansion to your spiritual growth. For those working with the Crystal Spirits  August Spiritual toolbox journal- simply follow the guidelines and fill in the pages. 

With Uranus retrograde energy from now until early next year, you will be presented with situations that help you let go of self-control. Life could become exciting and a little unpredictable. You will be given plenty of opportunities to try new things and experience new situations.

Try these combinations of crystals for those who want to step out and embrace new situations- but are held back by a bit of fear. They empower you and help you overcome self-sabotaging behaviour patterns.

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