Angelite activates the Throat Chakra, encouraging honest self-expression and facilitating celestial correspondence. It serves as an anchor and connection to our angelic guides and channels clear communication lines to the celestial realm. Angelite is helpful regarding all problems around communication and encourages you to openly share the contents of your heart. It also promotes compassion, tranquility, and encourages peace. angelite can bring soothing energies to overactive minds, clearing the way to receive guidance and support. Genuine angelite crystals are master healers.
When you wear this stone you will be filled with compassion for all of those around you, reflecting inner peace and attract the guidance and blessings of all of your angels. cleanse this genuine angelite pendant at night either in raw brown rice or with a cleansing incense like white sage, Paulo Santo or frankincense. However you choose to work with its crystal frequency - may it serve you with love and light.