Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, prosperity, and good fortune - as long as these are gained through hard work and not war. Her main symbol is the lotus flower, which blooms atop the water, but is rooted in the depth, revealing her connection to spiritual growth. When you connect with her divine energies,, you ask her to bestow good fortune and blessings upon you.
Green jade is often used in amulets and talismans, serving as a protective piece of jewellery . The magic energy of green jade is that it brings fortune and prosperity into your life.
Green jade is also believed to help release negative energy. It’s said to cleanse the aura, helping to remove energy blockages and encourage the free flow of positive energies.
Green jade is often associated with abundance. However, this doesn’t necessarily refer to material wealth. Instead, it speaks to an abundance within – a sense of fulfilment, contentment, and inner peace. It’s believed to inspire a sense of gratitude, helping us recognise and appreciate the blessings in our lives.
By wearing these symbols, individuals may attract good fortune and positivity into their lives. Green jade is associated with growth and renewal. When worn together, these elements are thought to manifest opportunities for financial success and overall prosperity.
The handmade chord can be used for your jade amulet.
When knotting the sacred string through your jade amulet, make sure you are in a relaxed frame of mind. Set holy space by lighting a candle and a stick of incense of your choice. If you like, you can smudge your chord and your jade amulet.
Take a few deep breaths. See a white light in the shape of an eight moving through the top of your crown chakra -down to your feet. Visualise this stream of light running up and down throughout your body. Hold your jade amulet and repeat the activation process. Now, thread the sacred chord through your amulet.
Enjoy wearing your sacred jade piece.