In ancient China, jadeite was considered the world's most beautiful material. It is said to facilitate peace In an individual and bring one into harmony with the environment.
This crystal activates the heart chakra and helps you to be in harmony not only with yourself but with others as well.
In 2025, there will be much anger, and relationships will be under strain.
Make sure you combine the energy of jadeite with other gemstone bracelets to communicate and connect with other people easily. Jadeite will Bring harmony into your relationships and make sure you remain calm and peaceful whenever you are in negotiations.
Jadeite also promotes the flow of all kinds of abundance. It helps to teach you mastery over money! It also opens your heart chakra so that you can enjoy the physical sensations life has to offer. It pulls you into the present moment, filling you with joy and peace.
Bead size: 12mm