Change the way you move . . . and you can change the way you feel, the way you act, and the way you're perceived. That's the promise of EVERY MOVE YOU MAKE: Bodymind Exercises to Transform Your Life. We've long known that changing our mental or emotional focus can help change our physical state (think of stress management for patients at risk for heart attacks or visualizations to improve athletic performance). It's the mind-to-body connection, and it's something that's readily accepted in today's world. Less well explored is the other side of the equation: the relationship between body and mind: Change your physical state and you can change your mental or emotional focus; change the way you move in deliberate, carefully prescribed ways-that is, repattern your body-and you can repattern your mind, emotions, and spirit in ways that let you live your life more fully, more authentically, and more joyously. Every Move You Make gives you practical tools in the form of ten basic movements that help stimulate and support changes you need to make your life work better. Also included are several partner exercises to improve the quality of your relationships. The movements are easy and relaxing to do, and are illustrated in photographs throughout the book. Chapters address different aspects of life: self-image, stress, career, creativity, relationships, sexuality, anxieties, and compulsions. You'll identify with the case studies of real people that Nikki Winston has worked with-all of whom have successfully made the changes described.