Protect Your Relationship Kit
- Mandarin ducks
- 2 x pearls
- 2 x rose quartz
- Double happiness mirror.
- Candle and incense.
One word of caution make sure while you are pursuing your career that you still pay attention to your partner, family, and friends. You do not want those relationships to be squandered.
In 2024 we have the squandering star in the 24 mountains. What this means is that good relationships have to be taken care of, watered, and nurtured - otherwise you could find them slipping away. You don't want to “ squander “ friends or family, and lose affection and love.
The squandering star also affects relationships. Be careful how you treat your partners and friends. Do not take them for granted , especially your spouse. If you are too selfish and self-entitled This will lead to anger, arguments and perhaps divorce. Remember we are dealing with the energy of fire. Don't squander your relationships - make sure you take time out to socialise and care for those who love you. If your husband has a wandering eye - and you have already experienced problems in 2023 - place mandarin ducks on the double happiness mirror together with the two pearls in the northwest of your bedroom or living room. Always burn fragrant incense nearby and add that pink candle for love or red for passion. Surround it with pink crystals. It would be great if each of you Carried a rhodonite and hematite star crystal. This crystal pairing will connect you intuitively and raise both your EQ’s.
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