If “fear” blocks you- or you tend to second guess yourself, then work with these crystals:
Amethyst will help activate your intuition so that you can work through the fear. Additionally, you can place the clear calcite on your third eye and rhodochrosite on your heart chakra. Lie like this for 20 minutes twice a week.
If you wish to get to the root of the problem, work with labradorite. After meditating with this stone, write down your thoughts and messages. While writing, keep holding your labradorite. You can also place the labradorite in a bowl of water on your bedside table to help you with dream magic. Immediately after waking, write down your thoughts.
Keep burning and lighting your brown candles throughout the rest of the year—17 minutes a day. While lighting the candle, set your intentions for releasing and letting go of a habit that is leading to self-sabotage. Nip the candle wick after 17 minutes! Use this quick ritual whenever you feel blocked, procrastinating, or simply unable to achieve your goals.