For those in the business world, declutter your office as well. Then, you will be ready when the first new moon of the year (29 January) appears to start manifesting for 2025.
I love this time of year—truly anchoring and celebrating 2025 by installing all my Feng Shui cures and celebrating, together with my house spirit, the beginning of a brand new year and all the promise it holds.
New Years always signal new beginnings, when we can set new targets, focus on new ideas, and bring new things into our lives—be they health—by focusing on exercise—or love—by adding zing to our relationships—or career—by setting new goals for ourselves. The list is endless, and it's all brand new and super exciting.
Be aware of the ‘spirit‘ of your house. Everything has energy. These energies can either make your life bliss or hell. So it is important to appease her or him by regularly clearing your sacred space and ensuring your Feng Shui cures are installed for a successful year.
Again, I must re-iterate that installing Feng Shui cures does not deflect obstacles or change your karma or soul contract. All it does is create a sacred space to support you throughout the year. Installing cures in areas that have negative stars or energy helps deflect them, and when you amplify the positive energy sectors of the house, you up the amps on success.
This powerful philosophy has served many hundreds over thousands of years. We, at the Crystal Spirits, have seen how our clients have benefited from installing simple Feng shui cures in their homes and businesses. To assist you we have created beautiful feng shui cures and a few simple kits that you will be able to follow be you a beginner or experienced in Feng Shui. Each Feng Shui kit comes with a full set of instructions - and all the Feng Shui paraphernalia you need . We have tried to design this with you in mind.