The Crystal Spirits
The Year Of The Snake 🐍
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Fellow New Year Weavers, 


We celebrate the start of the year of the snake on the first new moon of 2025, which will be on Wednesday, January 29th. 

To celebrate and work with the intriguing and elegant energies of the Year of the Snake- we have created the Cinnabar Year of the Snake candle. The colour resonates with the energies of  2025. The scent and combination of colours are set to ignite your passion, your purpose, as well as your vitality and focus for 2025. Make sure you have one of these wonderful candles on this auspicious night ( 29th January). This candle will last 17 plus hours. When you burn the candle for the first time, you allow it to burn so that the wax melts to its fullest degree. That then becomes the footprint of your candle. Relight this candle whenever you please. 

Cinnabar Wealth Snake Candle 2025
Cinnabar Wealth Snake Candle 2025
ZAR 129.00
Wealth Home Cinnabar Snake Deluxe Candle Kit for 2025
Wealth Home Cinnabar Snake Deluxe Candle Kit for 2025
ZAR 269.00

The must-have crystal to match this auspicious evening is garnet. Make sure you are working with  or wearing garnet- throughout 2025. 

Natural Red Pyrope Garnet Crystals From Zimbabwe
Natural Red Pyrope Garnet Crystals From Zimbabwe
ZAR 49.00

Natural Red Pyrope Garnet Crystals From Zimbabwe 

With a name derived from the Greek 'pyropes', meaning 'fiery-eyed', these garnets are like small sparks of history nestled in the solid embrace of the earth.Garnet fills you with courage to pursue your dreams. It help you when you feel overwhelmed by life and see no way out of a situation. It fortifies your survival instincts and and fills you with hope. in the feng shui charts. the element of fire is in short supply  this year, 2025.  Fire is needed for wealth and vigour. Fire is also the energy represented by the Feng shui 20 year cycle of the number 9, which started in 2024. If you are seeking fame and glory in your life - and if you wish to accumulate a lot of wealth this year -  You must work with or carry garnet. Of course - you also have to add a sprinkle of handwork and effort. Place garnet in the south of your home - which represent ones’ fame and reputation.Add a piece to the southwest corner of your office if you are a matriarch, and make sure you have a piece in your wealth bowls and in the lucky southeast of your home and office.  When meditating place garnet on your base and sacral chakra - it will renew your energy and fill you with boldness and courage.   

Garnet chip bracelets, sterling silver pedants and rings must be part of your crystal collection in 2025. Team it up with any other crystals - but make sure you have “ garnet” somewhere in your life. 

Garnet is a useful stone to have around when you are planning or goal setting as it will help you to recognise, those actions and scenarios that no longer serve you. Garnet will help you to identify and let go of obsolete ideas and situations, so that you can use your time and energy more effectively.Garnet is a crystal for love. This includes self-love. It will motivate and remind you to include self-care in your plans. It is so important to take time for yourself. Take time to relax, take a bubble bath, book a massage. Sometimes we can ‘over plan’ and it is important that we remember to give ourselves leeway.Garnet will fill you with motivation so that  you will be driven to start new projects and  complete your goals. Garnet helps you to discover your talents and will guide you, in how to use them.

Garnet Sterling Silver Pendant
Garnet Sterling Silver Pendant
ZAR 590.00
Garnet and Clear Quartz Chip Gemstone Bracelet
Garnet and Clear Quartz Chip Gemstone Bracelet
ZAR 160.00
Sterling Silver Garnet Moon And Star Earrings
Sterling Silver Garnet Moon And Star Earrings
ZAR 490.00

Don't forget to declutter and clear your sacred space to welcome in the year of the snake. Try to cleanse the energies of your home- with smudge sticks and black and white candles. Download our free space-clearing eBooks to guide you. 

Use tingsha bells with their crisp sound to shift tired energy and open dusty corners to receive all the positive light that will be coming with this aquarian new moon. 

Our space-clearing kit with its bells and rattles is another way to go- and it also creates a lot of fun for the kids.  They need to be involved and interactive in setting their own intentions for 2025.

The year of the snake is a gentle, refined energy that has a certain deadliness to it! So, it will be advisable this year to psychically protect your home. A simple method is to place the selenite black tourmaline crystal feng shui hangers around your home. When selenite and black tourmaline resonate together, they create a psychic shield for the home and business. You can work with the energy of these two crystals by visualising a blue bubble of protection surrounding your home and hearth. Each month, make sure you smudge the crystals to keep them working at their highest vibration of protection.  These macrame protection hangers are perfect for hanging on door handles - and cupboard doors. 

Tingsha Bell
Tingsha Bell
ZAR 395.00
Space Clearing Shake Rattle And Roll -Green
Space Clearing Shake Rattle And Roll -Green
ZAR 99.00
Selenite Black Tourmaline Protection Amulet
Selenite Black Tourmaline Protection Amulet
ZAR 399.00

You can take time out of this busy week's schedule to plan your decluttering and space clearing. It's time to get ready for the year of the snake. 

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