Black salt is used for many things- but most of all protection. A Word of warning when working with this sacred powder- remember to wear gloves- it can make your hands dirty. We, however, have packaged the sacred salt in vials so it is easy to uncork- and sprinkle. Extremely elegant.
The Crystal Spirits Black salt is made with Sea Salt, Charcoal, Essential oils, and Ritual. With an added secret ingredient. Please note it will stain because of the charcoal so please use it carefully.
- Sprinkle a line outside across doorways and windows to keep negative energies out and dispel unwanted energies.
- Place in small containers around the house to absorb negative energy. Replace every 3 months on average or more frequently if your home is busy.
- Place under your bed in a small bowl for protection during Dreamtime. it's recommended to replace it every three months, or every new Moon.
- Dress a solid black candle with oils. Preferably frankincense Essential oil, rosemary essential oil, and or lavender essential oil. sprinkle a small amount of black salt over the bottom half of the candle and burn in a fireproof bowl or container. With the intention of protecting or banishing negative influences from your life or home.
- For further protection of your hearth and home - place pieces of rough black tourmaline in your garden and inside your home. A small tip is to add a slice of crystal Mica under the black tourmaline to amplify its powers of protection. Make sure you smudge with either Palo Santo incense, wood or California White Sage smudge bundles or a cleansing incense (rosemary, mugwort, lavender, go away evil or protection). I would do this at least every three months.
- After cleansing the black tourmaline and mica crystals make sure you hold them in your hand against your heart chakra seeing their protective energy enfolding your home. Crystals need to be loved and nurtured. You need to work with and connect with your crystal's vibrations.
- For a quick cleanse, use our black salt kit. light the black and white candle - place it in the centre of the house. While the black part of the candle is burning smudge your home by Just lighting the charcoal block, sprinkle with Californian white sage and walk around your home smudging as you go. Let the charcoal block burn out. Next, sprinkle the black salt across your doorways. When the flame reaches the white part of the candle light the success incense and set your positive intentions into your home. The deluxe salt kit includes black tourmaline pieces and black salt for a larger home or one with more doorways.