When you wear a dragon piece of jewellery you are setting the intention of connecting with your dragon familiar.
When you work with the energy of dragon power - you will feel more confident powerful and able to handle the stress of daily life. This symbol will remind you that you have both physical and mental power and that this powerful animal ally will protect you from those who wish you harm. Many people who work with power animals call on dragon energy before they face stressful or dangerous situations.
Invoking a dragon as your power animal means even greater responsibility karmically. Dragon familiars will protect you when you work for the greatest good, but be careful if you find yourself becoming greedy or abusing your position of power. This is a way to lose your power animals' support. You don't want to get burnt by the dragon !!
Calling on Dragon medicine as your power animal is having a key to the realm of true magic. It could take you time to learn how to use the key effectively! So be patient! However, dragon spirit has an alchemical power which means they can turn your life into ”gold”. This is a great gift and one you should accept with humility and gratitude.
Make sure your bracelet is cleansed - and before placing it around your wrist hold it in the palms of your hand to connect with the strength.