Mystic Obsidian, Labradorite
This bracelet works perfectly with the energies of Pluto in Capricorn retrograde until November 19th. There will be chaos over the next two months.
You will want your intuitive and psychic skills to be at an all time high. Labradorite now only protects you by creating a strong shield around your aura, it also connects with the phases of the cosmic skies. Labradorite is gemstone of magic! It awakens in those who wear it the awareness of ones innate magical powers.
Labradorite is an inter-dimensional stone that awakens you to embark on a multitude of voyages of self discovery. It activates the inner eye , allowing one to see the past, present and future .
Black mystic obsidian frequency seals the aura and removes any energetic attachments or hooks . Its energy creates a protective shield that helps one remain centred when facing any obstacles or negative energy. Black obsidian opens and clears the base and second chakras. Place in the raw brown rice overnight and cleanse once a week with the smoke of the sacred Paulo Santo wood.
Affirmation: I call forth the magic of awareness
Pluto is moving back into Capricorn during its final retrograde into this sign. It will be in Capricorn until November 19th. This comic shift represents the last big tying up of loose ends by the planet of power and transformation . The next two and half months will force all things to be released that are not conducive to the new awakening.
If there is resistance transformation will intensify.
This can show up in society or in your personal life.
Bead : 12mm