The Crystal Spirits

We are still experiencing the frequency of the energy of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Please read the special red alert newsletter on Sunday for those who missed it; it might help understand the underlying energies for the next four to six months. 

Eclipse energy changes our lives whether we want it to or not. It's like a hefty whack from the Universe. You will find yourself going through a soul-searching time- so don't be too hard on yourself. 

Crystals are a go-to, depending on what you wish to achieve- and what areas of your life you want to work with. They are your secret friends that are always there for you- supporting you with their loving vibes and helping you to raise your frequency. Keep them close at hand.

Crystals that will connect perfectly with the lunar eclipse energy (which will be with us for the next 4-6 months) must be magical and mystical- and we have such an exciting selection in store online.  


Previous Reading Jupiter in Pisces
Next Reading 11:11

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