Orgone (Orgonite) is a popular spiritual healing tool and is used as protection against electromagnetic pollution (emf). These subtle energy tools interact and transform orgone or life energy. It is a natural earth cleanser, healer, and positive energy source.
Citrine is a Solar Plexus Chakra stone that helps with clarity of thought, money magic, prosperity, and manifestation. It helps to transmute lower energy vibrations into higher ones and provides you with balance, stability, and abundance. If you need to strengthen your manifestation skills, this stone is for you. Citrine provides mental clarity thatâll assist in maintaining your direction. When the going gets tough and the obstacles arise, these African citrine crystals will instill you with a newfound strength to overcome it all.
Black Tourmaline is one of the most common meditation crystals. It is exceptionally grounding to the Earth's energies, freeing one to explore the spiritual world without harm or danger, and provides high levels of purification for the auric field and the etheric body.
+/- 10g per pendant
+/- 4,5cm x 1,5cm per pendant