This witch's finger has. Celestial feeling about it !!
"This NEW crystal emerges from the depths of the untamed bush of Zambia, an African country, just above Zimbabwe. The opaque quartz manifests itself in thin pencil-like formations, of which the majority are double-terminated. Hidden within the interior of the quartz are fine strands of white and yellow rutile, which gives added interest, as well as depth to the female crystal. The exterior of the quartz is "pock-marked with Actinolite which dots and forms nodules all over the crystal sides. Flecked within this are shiny pieces of Mica, bringing sparkle and magic to this mysterious energy.
The main resonance of this crystal is to activate your "blueprint " for your life on planet Earth. The one you chose in the "bardo", before taking your place within the planets consciousness. Once you start working with this crystal you will find that you start to intensely seek out your spiritual path, and start to work towards manifesting that which lies beneath your psyche, and that which you had set out to do, before arriving in this pre-selected physical life. Working with the Witches Finger will assist in removing blockages from both your aura and obstacles in your everyday life, so that your pathway is more easily attainable. It will heighten your intuition, and together with your Heart Chakra, assist in decision-making and choices, that one inevitably will have to make along the way. It stands to reason, that if this crystal is one of the minerals to assist you in following your "blueprint", then the energy though strong, should be gentle enough to carry on your person. Therefore, different crystals will resonate with the different psyche, and in choosing your Witches Finger, you should be aware of the vibration of the crystal, that it is in harmony with yours, so that you are therefore able to keep it on your person for suitable lengths of time.
If you want to know more about this mysterious crystal download our free eBook.